Definition of “Advocacy“
The term ‘advocacy’ means standing up for your rights, standing up for someone else, or an issue you see within the broader community. Advocacy could be about speaking up about issues that are impacting you in your life or speaking out on a larger scale to create positive change in society for many people.
Definition of “Self Advocacy“
The term ‘advocacy’ means standing up for your rights, Self advocacy is defined as the act of speaking up about your thoughts and feelings for yourself and other’s interests. You know your rights and you are able to decide what support you need and make sure that others respect your choices.
Definition of “Discrimination“
Discrimination means any restriction or unfair or prejudicial treatment based on a person’s disability. It has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise on an equal basic with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field.
Definition of “Prejudice“
Prejudice refers to the assumptions, feelings, thoughts and attitudes about a person or group based on their disability. It has a harmful influence that form an unfairly and unreasonable opinion or decision to the person or group without enough thought or knowledge.
Definition of “Restriction“
Restriction is a limitation or control of person with disabilities from participating to do certain tasks and immerse themselves in their environment. Hence, Such restrictions can deny persons with disabilities daily activities that other can participate in at any time. persons with disabilities are individuals suffering from any physical or mental condition that puts restrictions on their capacity to do certain tasks and immerse themselves in their environment.
Definition of “Full Participation“
Full participation means no restriction to persons with disabilities from participating and involvement in political and public life. People with disabilities should have equal opportunities in all these areas to fully engage in life activities without outside help. It also means that they should play a more visible role in society; not only should they be included in social activities, but they should also have a decision making in local, national and international levels.
Definition of “Cultural and Linguistic Minority“
Cultural and linguistic minority is defined as the small group have their own culture, language and belief that differs from those of the majority population.
Definition of “Persons with Disabilities“
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) are defined as individuals who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments.
Definition of “Reasonable Accommodation“
A reasonable accommodation is an necessary and appropriate modification or adjustment to reduce barriers to ensure to person with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basic with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.