Deaf workers speak up about workplace discrimination

….. Phillip Pong, a 58-year-old deaf e-hailing driver said he watched as able-bodied colleagues were promoted over him in his previous job as a software developer. “Because I am deaf, they do not send me for any training or let me attend meetings. We work for more than 10 years, but we are never given…

….. Phillip Pong, a 58-year-old deaf e-hailing driver said he watched as able-bodied colleagues were promoted over him in his previous job as a software developer. “Because I am deaf, they do not send me for any training or let me attend meetings. We work for more than 10 years, but we are never given promotions. But the new ones who just got hired get promoted quickly because they can talk,” …..

…. Annie Ong, 42, spoke of loneliness from a lack of human connections with her co-workers in her previous employment due to her deafness. “There were times when, in the company I worked, I was the only deaf person. It was really boring as I could not form any relationships with my coworkers.” …..

Photo Credit Scoop – Adam Aznijar pic, June 1, 2024
Published by Scoop on 1 June 2024.

Further reading on this news: Differently-abled workers speak up about workplace discrimination

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